Citizen Diplomacy
International Visitors Leadership Program

Embassies overseas identify rising leaders in their host countries and invite them to the United States to meet with their American counterparts. We are fortunate that Austin is home to government leaders, universities, start-ups, established businesses, and a vibrant, creative community ready to host them. A delegation is simply a group of people here on a diplomatic mission, and each year GlobalAustin hosts hundreds of foreign visitors. GlobalAustin members can choose to become part of their experience. Read more about the IVLP here:
The city of Houston, Texas has been three years without a designated community-based member programming option. We are pleased to announce that GlobalAustin has been selected to program IVLP visits in the Houston metropolitan area. Resources to highlight include the Port of Houston, a dynamic oil & gas industry, aerospace and biomedical industries, and much more.
For GlobalAustin members who would like to host foreign delegations in home for a dinner, please fill out and submit this form: